Dr Willmar Schwabe India Natrum Muriaticum Biochemic Tablet
is a helpful remedy to cure problems such as anaemia, swelling of the rectum, constipation and contraction of the anus, swelling of the neck, diabetes and hyperthyroidism.
Ingredients Details
Natrum Muriaticum
Benefits/Uses of Natrum Muriaticum Biochemic Tablet
It is helpful to treat problems such as anaemia and inflammation, digestive disorders including painful constipation and loss of appetite, inflammation of the frontal sinuses and relives congestive headache, nausea and vomiting with diarrhoea, labour pains and irregular menstrual periods with sharp pain in the pelvic region, constrictions of the chest and heart and rapid pulse rate, skin troubles with oily skin and dry painful eruptions on the scalp, ears and limbs, high fever with blisters and bodily weakness.
Directions and Doses to take medicine
In a day take 3-4 tablets 3 times or as directed by the physician.